Heavy on Fashion Event Rundown - Accessories Council Mother's Day Picks 2014 #Actopicks

Hello all my fashion divas and gurus! Here is a look at my time at Accessories Council Mother's Day Event. For more photos go to my instgram page @heavyonfashion under the hashtag #Actopicks.  

Here is a list of my favorites from the Accessories Council Mother's Day Picks 2014

I love with Stella & Dot Classic Tote. Adorable for any woman especially mom! Check out this yellow and tan mus have bag for mom and yourself at http://www.stelladot.com/

I also love the Adrienne Landau Fox Fur Keychain ~ that retails for $25. I am not a huge fur fan but this keychain is adorable. Go to http://www.adriennelandau.com/

The Preppy Pearl Facted Marquise Cabochon Statement Necklace by Roman & Sunstone is a must for any occassion. This statement necklace does just that...makes a big statement! Go to http://www.romansunstone.com/ for a serious jewelry overload!  

I fell head over purse for Hayden-Harnett Sandrine satchel for $448. 
Go to http://www.haydenharnett.com/ for all your Hayden-Harnett needs! 

I love SUMMERSKIN: Sun Protective Clothing 'Endless Summer' scarf! It has multi uses! Great for a fashionista on a budget. Check out SummerSkin at http://www.yoursummerskin.com/

Loving Stella & Max “All I Need” Clutch. This cluth retails for $48 and really the only thing you need when packing light! Go to http://www.stellaandmax.com/

The Matterial Fix 'Strength & Dignity' bangle is so good, it a must for any present giving occassion especially Mother's Day. Go to http://www.matterialfix.com/ to get your matterial fix while empowering girls around the world! 

Go to Heavy on Fashion Facebook Page to see more exclusive shots of Accessories Council Mother's Day Picks 2014 #Actopicks


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