Heavy on Fashion Style Flash : 100 years of Men's Fashion!

Hello all my fashion divas and gurus! I am so happy to bring you a new style flash. Today the lovelies at Mode Studios a brand new look at men's style. 100 Years of Men's Fashion takes viewers on a trek through which outfits men found trendy starting in 1915 through the present day using authentic clothing from each period. As you can see, some looks have aged better than others!


  1. I have nominated your adorable blog for the Liebster award. This is my blog so you can check out my nomination for you http://myprettylifeblog.blogspot.co.nz/, and you can go to http://wordingwell.com/the-liebster-award-the-official-rules-my-first-blog-award-and-a-few-personal-secrets-revealed/ to see what you can do to accept this nomination.

    1. Hello Paige! Thank you so much for the Lieber award. I will pass along this great honor in September. Thanks again!


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