Heavy on Fashion talks to Co-founder & CEO Elysia Everett of Friendly Like Me App


Hello, all my divas and gurus. I am so happy that I was able to interview Co-founder and CEO Elysia Everett of the Friendly Like Me App. Friendly Like Me was created to improve accessibility in public places and make accessibility information easier to find. Accessibility is very important especially now. According to the CDC, 61 million adults in the U.S. live with disabilities, and a further 40% of United States adults are overweight, and a significant portion of those individuals experience accessibility issues due to size. Elysia Everett and I talk about the creation of the app, accessibility in America, and more. 

Check out the Friendly Like Me App at https://www.friendlylikeme.com/

Use the app at https://app.friendlylikeme.com or download Friendly Like Me from the Apple App and Google Play stores.


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